For a portion of each Sunday morning, all children in K through 4th grades worship together through songs and Bible lesson explained through skits, live storytelling and videos. We focus on building a strong, gospel-centered foundation by teaching the truths of the Bible in a way that is engaging and exciting.
After the Gathering time, our children split into age specific small groups where they develop relationships with leaders and peers. Lessons are appropriate to the children’s level of Biblical understanding.
Children have the opportunity to give of their treasure throughout the year by putting money in the Kid City Automatic Tithing Machine (ATM). All ATM money since 2009 has been used to sponsor the same child through Compassion International. Children can also bring school supplies for our partner school throughout the summer, donate food items for Thanksgiving boxes, pack shoeboxes each Christmas, and collect items in the spring for an LHC partner.
Our Wednesday night programming, Kids-N-Action (KNA), encourages students to “Put their Faith into Action.” KNA meets throughout the school year, and each year the children learn about and memorize one entire chapter of James. Each week the kids are encouraged to pursue a specific outreach with their families, ranging from shoveling neighbors’ snowy driveways to serving at a local shelter. We want to partner with the parents to help them model what it looks like to “go and make disciples”.